Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy!

My 6&1/2 month old started crawling! At first I thought I was just imagining things, but then I saw her. She just took off! No more just laying and rolling, Zoe Jane is mobile!

I can't sleep in, I can't just shower when I please, I'm on constant guard because this little one is into EVERYTHING! Yesterday I hear this jingling sound as I tried to use the restroom.... I come out and she's got my ceramic piggy bank just having a blast! I can't even go to the bathroom!

Busy, busy, busy! This child of mine no longer cries and waits to be picked up, she crawls right over and tugs on your toes, lol! Nothing is safe. It's like she's a predator in the wild, always on the prowl. Oh and do not try to walk away, she'll chase you! All you hear is this little pitter patter oh chunky baby legs hitting the floor as she stalks you down the hall!

My oldest loves that her baby sister chases her through the house, but for me I see my baby starting on the path to growing up. It makes me a little sad to know that my little tiny baby isn't so little and tiny any more, but I'm excited for the moments to come. First steps, first words, first day of school, first recital, God forbid, her first kiss. My baby will only be a baby for so long, you know?

But in the mean time, this little girl is BUSY!

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